torsdag den 25. september 2014


Hej igen.

Arbejdsrytmen er nu ved at indfinde sig og vores arbejdsuger er blevet skemalagt.
De ser således ud:

Christian, Lars, Mads og jeg er på Bel Air sammen. Dagen bruger vi på først at arbejde med de to små babyer som stadig er hjemme.  Mellem 14.30 og 15 kommer de resterende børn hjem fra skole. Når de har ordnet deres huslige pligter og fået skiftet skoleuniformen ud med hverdagstøj hjælper vi dem med deres lektier.
Derefter har de lidt fritid, vi som regel bruger med dem på fri leg og aktiviteter.

Christian og jeg er på GAP (Grand Anse Plaugroup). En kombineret vuggestue og børnehave der er delt op i tre afdelinger; infants, toddlers og juniors. På stedet bliver der praktiseret en lidt mere vestlig form for pædagogik, end den vi ellers ser hernede.
GAP er tilknyttet St. Georges University (SGU) og er ledet af en amerikansk kvinde ved navn Tammy. Hun er vores praktikvejleder her.

Christian og jeg er på Bel Air.

Christian, Lars, Mads og jeg er på Bel Air.

Vi er alle fire på en skole der hedder LIME Special Educations School. En skole for børn med særlige behov, her kommer vi engang om ugen for at være med i de sportslige aktiviteter.

Ud fra dette skema her jeg lavet følgende læringsmål:

Beherske den pædagogiske praksis og bidrage til udvikling af fornyelse af den pædagogiske profession
I would like to share my pedagogical knowledge with the staff in an informative and practical way. As well as I would like to share my own knowledge, I will try and understand the way they are working with the kids at Bel Air.

The work with kids in Bel Air are practiced differently from Denmark. But we also come from very different backgrounds and are raised in very different cultures. If I can understand why people are doing as they do and understand their beliefs, it will be easier for me to deal with the daily educational work. If I can share some of my knowledge and help the staff to further assist help the children.

By working the way I would work in Denmark and explaining my actions, I will ask them in a none-patronizing way why they are doing as they do. To get a better understanding of how I can contribute with my pedagogical knowledge, I will focus on Pierre Bourdieu and his theories on Field, Doxa and Habitus.

Yde en målrettet indsats i forhold til en valgt målgruppes behov
I would like to gain a better knowledge of how infants develop physically and increase motor skills. I am especially interested in how infants develop their senses and how to stimulate them best for optimal development.

Currently we have two babies at Bel Air. They are almost the same age, but are very far from each other when it comes to their development. One can sit and crawl, but the other can’t do either. You can feel how his back is low tone and that he might not be stimulated enough to burn off calories consumed.

By reading about infants and development, I will obtain knowledge on how to more specifically handle and play with the two babies. I would like to set of specific time a couple of days a week focus on their development.

Redegøre for, hvordan teoretisk og praktisk viden om en målgruppe kan kvalificere grundlaget for pædagogisk virksomhed generelt
Through participation in the analysis of and reflection on practice in Nursery, I will examine how the room's decors affect the interaction and learning opportunities. I would like to focus on “learning in a playful environment”, when I am working with the kids.

I believe that kids learn better when they are in a playful environment.  I have observed that a lot of the kids don’t know how to interact with each other in a playful way. They are simply not used to do things together. I would like to share with them new ways to interact during play.
I will do different activities with the kids that will support learning through both healthy and playful interaction with each other. Using Jean Piagets theories on learning through playing and the term FLOW which can have a positive effect on our capability of learning, I will reinforce positive interations.

Skabe viden gennem deltagelse i, analyse af og refleksion over praksis på baggrund af (videnskabs) teoretiske forudsætninger og metodiske færdigheder
I would like to make the nursery a better environment for the youngest kids to play and develop in. Learn how the environment can have an influence on the behavior and learning of the nursery kids.

As of this moment the nursery contains a couch, a chair, a TV and a bookcase. They do not how much toys and the space is not child friendly, leaving them nowhere to sit or focus their attention.

I would like to put a couple of tables and some stools on which the kids can sit and draw, paint or play. Furthermore I would like to build a little cozy corner with a blanket, pillows and toys which the kids can play with without getting interrupted. I will document the project with pictures from before and after and observe the interaction between the kids.

Redegøre for egen professionsidentitet og forholde sig til professionens handlegrundlag og udvikling
I would like to gain a better understanding of how the Grenadian Ministry of Social Development works. Learn at   which stage and what kind of process they use when there is a concern about a child; at what point to they make the decision to remove them from the parents and send them to a orphanage like Bel Air. Furthermore I would like to know how they then follow the children and their development after they move to another family or return home. What happens with them when they are 18 and how long will they be in the system?

It is very interesting to see how our different cultures and countries work. What do we have in common and what can we learn from each other to help the future of our kids.

Reading about and gaining understanding of the laws they follow in Grenada and which we follow in Denmark will give me greater understanding. Also I would like to interview with Ms. Lisa at Bel Air, getting her point of view.

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